Saturday, 9 January 2010

The Story of A Marriage

Pearlie and Holland were childhood sweat hearts separated by the events of World War Two. When reunited they marry and Pearlie decides to devote her life to her married life, until the arrival of Buzz Drumer. His revelations and desires threaten to tear Pealie's life apart and force her to reevaluate her views on her husband and love itself.
This book is one that you just have to keep reading, not because of any fast-paced action but because of the way that the writer reveals everything slowly and surely leaving the reader to question and ponder everything the way the Pearlie has to. While it can be frustrating that Pearlie and Holland never discuss the impending situation, it is not the frustration of a badly written character but of a friend frustrated with the foibles of a friend that you know and love. This book is just not a Story of A Marriage but a portrait of America in the 1950's, reeling from the war and undergoing a process that will change the country forever.

"It is madness not to do as you are told. Not to step forward from a hiding place, a deferral, from a line of frightened young men. But it is astounding how different men are; not all from the same clay, for when it comes to the kiln, some break wide open or change in ways even the maker can't predict."

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